Saturday, April 21, 2012

Life Accomplishment

You guys. I've done something today that I never thought I would be able to do in my whole life.

I used an entire box of baking soda.

There it is. I bought it...probably in like 2008 or 2009. It says on the top, "Best by September 17, 2009."

Baking soda doesn't go bad, right? I only used it for baking, so it's not like I had it in my fridge all the time deodorizing and then would pull it out for the cookies I was making. Gross.

Granted, I used about half the box in an oven fire I experienced a few months ago. I made Fluffernutter Monkey Bread (the bread is peanut butter flavored, and you put marshmallows between the layers of's amazing) and my bundt pan was too small, and all the marshmallow goo overflowed into the bottom of my oven and caught on fire. Luckily, I kept calm and just stood there and watched it burn while saying (quite calmly), "Kagan, there's a fire in our oven." over and over for about 30 seconds. Then I realized I should probably do something before our house burned down, and I doused the oven (but not the bread, luckily) in baking soda. Problem solved! Not only am I domestically skilled, but I'm also a hero.

I know, you don't need to tell me. I'm awesome.

In other news, Kagan and I will be moving in a few days to an apartment just kitty-corner from where we live to accommodate for the newest member of our family, who will be joining us very soon.

That's right, you read correctly. Kagan and I are...getting a dog! Tricked you, eh? That's what you get for thinking that I'm capable of taking care of a child. That part of my life isn't coming for quite some time (hopefully).

His name is Snickers (we're considering changing that) and he's a Miniature Dachshund. And he's adorable. And I cannot wait to get him. We're moving on Wednesday and picking him up on Thursday, and the days can't go fast enough. I have a few poor quality pictures on my phone, but I will post some good pictures of him once we get him. And of our super cute new apartment. We're moving to the upstairs of a house and all the rooms are painted a different color. The bedroom is blue with white stripes, the other room is yellow, the bathroom is blue, and the hallway and dining room are green. Kitchen is yellow, and the living room is blue. It is adorable. The best part? It has a dishwasher (Score! No more hand-washing every dish!!) and a shared washer/dryer. These are things I thought I couldn't live without (turns out I can), and in our place now we have neither of them. I can't wait to have them back. You never appreciate what you have until you don't have it. Weird.

Anyway, that's pretty much it. I also bought a table that I'm going to paint teal and we have 4 chairs that I will paint 2 other colors. Red? Yellow? Purple? I can't really decide. We'll see.

Ok, I can't not share a picture of my cute little boy. Here he is:


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