Saturday, November 12, 2011

Recent Events

Alright well maybe I haven't posted in awhile but I figured this would be a good time to update.

So not a lot has been going on our lives. School and work has been incredibly busy. I'm only taking 7 credits, but I'm also working 3 jobs. One of my 7 credits is a dance class, 2 of them are research (which also happens to be one of my jobs) and 4 of them are my comparative anatomy and physiology of animals class. It may be a 4 credit class, but the required work involved makes it feel like an 8 credit class. My jobs are such: my research, as previously mentioned, I TA for a Bio 100 class (which I LOVE), and I am a receptionist at a company called Chrysalis. So, in short, I'm insanely busy.

Kagan is taking classes full-time and working 2 jobs as well. He makes websites and works for a company that takes pictures of and films sporting events. Football season is coming to an end, so the work is finally slowing down, and I get my husband back on Saturdays. Yay!

At the end of November we got in a car accident. We were on our way to Kagan's brother's house and were stopped in the road waiting to turn, and were rear-ended by the guy behind us. We drive an Xterra and the guy who hit us drives a Honda Accord, so his car pretty much went under ours. Here's the damage:

Basically our tire was punctured and the bumper was mutilated. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt and our cars were fixable. We've been going to a chiropractor, which has been nice (especially the massages we got), and we got our car back about a week ago. They had told us at first that the axle was broken, but it turns out that it's not, which is very comforting.

Well, that's the biggest news in our lives.  I'm graduating in December, so maybe we'll give you an update then when we know what we're doing after that (ha...right!) Happy November!

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